The school that is focused on the principle that we cannot do it alone and with the help and support of community we move to our greatest potential.
Founded with love
Hi, my name is Kate and this school was founded with an intention to support, develop and foster teachers into honing into their own strength to take flight. A lot of my success as a teacher is owed to the incredible community that stands behind me as I learn, evolve and progress.
I knew that in founding a school, it had to be centered around community and that I wanted to offer students of Mynah, the chance to find their own strength and voice through a culmination of many influences. I consider myself very lucky to present a teaching faculty that I respect greatly and profoundly inspired by. It is about building the foundations to have the courage to take flight.
The name MYNAH (pronounced my-nah) is inspired by my personal love for birds and what they represent to me. The Mynah bird specifically, is a type of starling found mostly in Southern Asia, especially in India. Starlings are a symbol of beauty, grace, fluidity and while the bird is highly adaptive on its own, it works within its community in the spectacular phenomenon that is murmuration. The dance of starlings whirling across the skies in the thousands in a dance that is not choreographed and led solely by relying on each other.
Unified by a love for sharing yoga
Each faculty teacher that will lead you on your journey is a passionate one who shines bright in their field. Not only will we learn from these incredible people, we will learn countless lessons from each other as we continue the path together in evolution.
It is about sharing, it is about connecting, it is about being stronger together and better together.
Take Flight
The bird on a branch is never afraid
because the trust is in the strength of its wings,
not the strength of the branch.